A Few Kinds of Water Treatment Systems in Tucson, AZ

by | Nov 10, 2017 | Plumber

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There are many reasons why you might consider treating the water in your home. You can treat it if it tastes funny or if you have hard water. If you are on a good system, you definitely need some of the well water treatment systems. Well water is a low-cost option for many people, especially those living in rural areas. However, the water has to be treated for many different things to make it potable. There are two basic kinds of water filtration systems. There are physical filters and reverse osmosis systems.

Physical Filters

Water treatment systems in Tucson, AZ work by actually filtering out the contaminants in your water. They do this by using a substance such as activated charcoal. At a microscopic level, activated charcoal has an incredible amount of surface area. That surface area collects different contaminants that might be dissolved in your water. A good charcoal filter can remove solids as well as chemicals such as chlorine.

Furthermore, you can treat your water with ultraviolet light. That’s one of the kinds of systems offered by Wood’s Plumbing Enterprises LLC. An ultraviolet system inundates the water with UV light as it passes through. That UV light kills most living contaminants such as viruses and bacteria.

Reverse Osmosis

Reverse osmosis water treatment systems used ionized particles to attach to things that you do not want in your water. Typically, this means dissolved solids. They have a charge that attracts them to the filter through which they are passing. There, they are removed from your water. Because your filters will collect the solids and chemicals, you will need to replace them from time to time. You should work with a quality agency that supplies water filtration services to determine how often the filter needs to be changed. This will ensure that you have clean water at all times.

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